Emily Maddigan Works

Emily Maddigan

Medium: Mix

Subject: Animals and human forms

Style: Surreal

Education: Michigan State University, University of Transkei, California State University Long Beach.

My work is a love story, about second chances and finding new ways both personally and with discarded materials. The goal is to captivate, spread joy and provide a moment for viewers to become entranced or captivated by the meticulous application of materials and guise of what I am choosing to repurpose.

Sweetiboosh (AKA Emily Maddigan) was born in Metro Detroit Michigan, studied at Michigan State University including a study abroad program in Mexico and Africa. She completed a Masters of Fine Arts degree at California State University Long Beach in 2005. She has shown her work throughout the states including California, Oregon, Michigan, Massachusetts, Washington and New York. She has completed residency at the Armory Center for the Arts. Emily Maddigan has taught at numerous colleges and universities and was awarded tenure at Bakersfield College in 2013 and College of the Desert in 2018.